It’s that time of year again, and I can tell its Easter by
the amount of wind blowing outside. Diana and I went in the backyard to photograph our eggs; her hair looks like a
hot mess and I’ve been wearing the same shirt for the past 2 days,
(with that said, we are having a blast!)
It’s a tradition for my family to color eggs together, and Diana has been celebrating
with us for the past 2 years. She draws stick figures and I of course take it way to
serious with attempted Mona Lisa’s.
Diana and I would never shoot a deer, so the closes thing we ever
get to hunting is searching for eggs on Easter. I’m not going to lie, it got pretty competitive. It’s funny how holidays can make us do the most ridiculous things, (whether its finding eggs in our pj’s, decorating trees inside our house, or going to peoples homes and demanding candy).
I’m proud to say that I officially won the title of Easter KING, and that I found more eggs than Diana did. I was so good that I actually found a egg that we made last year but never found, (I wish I was just kidding….but its true. It actually exploded when I shook it.) What does a year old unrefrigerated egg smell like? Lets just say it was less than eggcellent.
Happy Easter!
-Diana and Andrew

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