Tuesday, September 14, 2010


We will have a scheduling time, due to the many entries we have for our fashion show!
We are so glad you want to be a part of this, and can't wait to meet each and everyone of you!
From the looks of it, the interview process will go on from 2pm-5pm possibly 6pm
I am so sorry for the inconvenience.
Here are the scheduled times. We will be doing this in groups!
(Think of this as a rough draft, let me know if we need to change you schedule, but we want to keep it as close to the schedule as we can. We want to try to not make too many changes.)

The auditions will be held Sept 26th
Between 2pm-5pm, maybe 6.
Location will be outside Barnes and Noble
at Tempe Marketplace.

Group 1. (2pm-2:30p)

Alisha A.
Alisha P.
Ashleigh O.
Bianca E.

Group 2. (2:30p-3:00p)

Brintha G.
Chelsea F.
Cassie R.
Krystal H.

Group 3. (3:00-3:30)

Laurielle L.
Lakisha H.
Maggy D.
Mar D.
Julia F.
Kayla R.

Group 4. (3:30-4:00)

Renee K.
Ruth K.
Sandy R.
Sarah S.
Pamila D.

Group 5. (4:00-4:30)

Selene P.
Bernina B.
Toni Marie.
Jamie V.
Jessica C.
Martha P.
Shannon B.

Group 6. (4:30p-5:00)

Kelsi F.
Devon V.
Erika A.
Heather V.
Jamie F.
Vanessa H.

Group 7. (5:00p-5:30)

London P.
Erika S.
Lillie N.
Abbey F.
Tessa A.

              DRESS CODE!

              please wear the following

              1. White tank top
              2. blue jeans
              3. black heels
              4. wear minimal make-up
              5. Portfolio book (if you have one, highly recommended)


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