For Photographers

I have been receiving many more questions than before
and it excites me to the max! I want to share as much as I know
with all of you.

Personally, everything I know thus far, I have done
tons and tons of research on, so I will save you a bit of time.

Just read on.

Q: How long ago did you start?
A: Professionally, a year in April :) And I am proud of how far I have come along within a year of shooting.

Q: How did you get published?
A: I took an opportunity at this workshop, where they were also going to pick the best photographers to publish and I was one! Take every opportunity you can. Even if they reject you one time, keep trying.

Q: All I do is shoot, shoot, shoot, and I feel discouraged, what should I do?
A: You can never shoot enough. I shoot just about everyday and I love it. I put my whole heart into everything I do and I research every single minute I can. Whenever I am on my computer, I research and find what photographer I want to be, and I secretly stalk their blogs :)

Q: What kind of camera do you use?
A: Right now, I use a Canon Rebel T1i and wish to upgrade soon. Well, I love my camera to death, but I want a new shiny toy :)

Q: How do you get your images so sharp?
A: I always want to get it in focus while shooting, so it saves me time when I do my post-processing. Also, I do sharpen the eyes normally just a bit more, so they stand out.

Have any other questions for me?
I'll be glad to answer! I love helping out my fellow friends.
