Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I was SO excited to wake up this morning!
Oh, my goodness, seriously!
Tangled was being released!!

I have been waiting since the day I watched the movie in theaters,
to buy this movie. Now, I know I might be obsessed
with this movie, but it's all for good reason :)

If you had seen me this morning, you probably wouldn't have thought I was
so ecstatic about getting this movie, but that's cause I usually don't find
joy in waking up at 8am. Not that it's wrong, but hey...
I woke up after I got some coffee and OH, MY, GOSH.


I went to get it and I got a free Pascal along with my purchase!
He is just so darn cute! Me and him are pretty close now :)
(As you can tell in the above photo)

Let's fast forward.

When I finally got home, I ran inside, threw all my bags down,
except my camera. I can't just throw it.
I ran upstairs and hooked it up right away.

I sat in front of the tv, just like the time when I was 5
and watched Little Mermaid over and over again.
Yes, that was me. I had Pascal on my shoulder
and we were ready to watch Tangled!
(I'm a dork)
Before I could even press play,
My eyes glistened and happy tears rejoiced.

Now this done sound a bit over the top, but I was SO happy :D

Anyway, enough about my crying.
The cutest couple contest is going wonderful!

Thanks everyone for sending your friends and
family over! We now have over 1700 fans and growing!

Loves doing contests! So much fun :)

Happy Tuesday!



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