Friday, April 15, 2011

FAQ Friday

I'm wanting to really help out as much as I can and I often get asked a few of the same questions, so I want to make this a weekly thing, so we can all learn as much as we can! I know I still always have questions, so I hope to get all of them answered
throughout my photographic journey. I do have an FAQ section within this blog.
It's above and it's called "For Photographers" just in case
this is your first visit!
I am wanting to move to a new blog, but I don't think that will happen
until the end of the year.

We did have a couple questions from the
last post and they were anonymous, so I want to
get to those in next week!

I want to limit each post to 2 questions, just so
I can you know, be detailed and what not.

The first couple questions come from
Courtney, from Precious Photography
by Courtney McIntosh.

1. How do you light your sessions?

I don't consider myself an expert at all, in fact I took a workshop with
Trevor Dayley and that's where I learned how to shoot in Manuel
and how I learned to start photographing in the shade.
Whaaaat? The shade? YES! It's quite extraordinary
and beautiful. The lighting is quite exquisite.
The reason to photograph in the shade is to actually
take away those harsh shadows from your subject
or having them half-lit. This is huge!
I remember when I learned this technique, I became obsessed with it and well,
all I did was photograph just about every single day
until I felt comfortable with it. It really changes your images for the better.
Just look for shade whenever you are out and about
with your clients! Oh and Also, CLOUDY days are amazing,
it's literally like a huge softbox just expanding itself for free!
When it's cloudy you don't have to worry about finding
shaded spots, so it's pretty neat.
Michelle Moore, actually wrote a wonderful article and you can find it here.

2. What's your typical workflow like for each session?

From the time I leave my session til the end of the night, I start editing
each session and normally get half way done, because I enjoy showing sneak peeks
from the session and I know my clients love seeing a few photos from their session.
After I do that sneak peek, I go ahead and blog about it and than put my favorite images on my website. Anyways... once I am actually done editing the entire session, which for me can take up to 2-3 days, I make sure to back it up on my hard drive and organize it in the folder it should go. I'm a total nerd when it comes to organizing. I have categories, dates, names, etc... for every single session, so I can find it quickly whenever I need to get it back.


Thanks everyone again for asking questions, I really appreciate
all the feedback and do hope to get more questions for future posts! We have
some wonderful questions that are waiting to be answered!
That's all for today!

Happy Friday!


If you guys can just leave me any feedback on here or my facebook wall,
I would greatly appreciate it! I want to make sure I'm being detailed enough, or if you have other questions you want on here! Hope it helps!! Let me know :D


Kelsey Peebles said...

Awesome post! When you shoot in the shade do you face your subject towards the light? Or sun behind them?

How do you get your clients to be comfortable with you and just look 'natural.'

Simply D. Photography said...

wonderful questions! I'll answer them next week!
As far as in the shade, I position them facing toward the sun or behind them. It just depends for me really where I face them, and the situation, setting, etc...
To have catchlights than facing them toward the sun in the shade, works the best!

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